Known as one of the ancient strength sport, Tug of war involves competing teams to pull a rope marked at 4m from the centre. This closeness to this centre symbolizes the winning or losing of the participating teams. Each competing side has eight members that channel their strength to pull the rope towards their side. The ‘driver’ (coach) monitors the rhythm of the pull from the sidelines and guides the participants to rest and exert force at the right moments. 
One of the most crucial pieces of equipment in the competition of Tug of War is the rope which is at least 33.5 long with a circumference of 11 cm with whipped ends. Participating athletes may also use special boots and knee, elbow and back support equipment.

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The format of best of the three attempts applies to assess the teams in a Tug of War match; two pulls out of the three must be won by one of the competing teams. With each pull, the teams attempt to drag the competitors towards the centre. The passing of the 4m marker decides the winner. There has to be a winning side in a tug of war competition as it cannot be a tie.