As a sport, the base of Athletic fitness lies in the core ideas of fitness, function and endurance. Unlike bodybuilding, which targets the aesthetic enhancement of specific muscle groups, Athletic Fitness considers factors like agility, poise, momentum, flexibility, coordination and strength. It has a functional aspect attached to it. 

The participating line-up comprises 15 athletes in specific sports disciplines focusing on a combination of endurance, power and a well-balanced physique.

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Through five assessment rounds, the participating athletes are evaluated on different factors. 

First-round is the Physique round involving quarter turns. 
The second round is the Strength round involving pull-ups and dips. 
The third round is the Endurance round which comprises Ergometer rowing
The Fourth-round (final round for Physique; quarter turns) 
The Fifth-round (final round for strength) 
The sixth-round (final round for endurance)