Arm Wrestling involves beating the opponent by pinning their hand on the touchpad of the Arm Wrestling competition table. It is a sport of strength and technique and is immensely psychological. Participants harness the weak spot in the willpower of their competitors, intimidating them to slip them out of their competitive spirit. 

Apart from strength and technique, muscle density, length of the arm, size of the grip, wrist endurance and resilience, and a swift reflex are crucial factors that give an advantage to the participants over their competitors. 

Participating athletes grip each other’s hands in a firm hold by placing their elbows bent at an almost right angle. On the touchpad, the winner’s arm lands on the top of the loser’s arm. 

جولات التقييم

Generally, the Arm Wrestling championships have one round, but it may vary from three to five rounds, where the aggregated score decides the winner. The final decision of the referee determine the winning and losing side. Every match is presided by two referees, alongside each competitor, to ensure the compliance of rules and fair judgement